April In Review

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April was an AMAZING month! And a fun one.  The main “theme” of April was National Poetry Month… all month long.   I had a blast this month reading as many YA Verse novels as I could and interviewing some amazing authors.  What a great kick off for Spring!

Books Read (with Page #s) and Books Reviewed

  • Stop Pretending by Sonya Sones (149)  ~ Review!
  • Rubber Houses by Ellen Yeomans  (160)  ~ Review!
  • Crank by Ellen Hopkins (327)  ~ Review!
  • The Geography of Girlhood by Kirsten Smith (192)  ~ Review!
  • Roswell High #2: The Wild One by Melinda Metz (176)  ~ Review!
  • Roswell High #3: The Seeker by Melinda Metz (178)  ~ Review coming in May!
  • Children’s Book: Quiet Bunny’s Many Colors by Lisa McCue (32)  ~ Review!
Total # of Books Read This Month: 7
Total # of Pages Read This Month: 1,214
Total # of Reviews This Month: 6

Challenges Update

  • 100 Books in 2011:  21/100 (79 left!)
  • Debut Author:  3
  • Support Your Library: 12
  • YA Series:  13
  • A-Z Challenge:  9  (17 left!)

Particular Posts

Don’t forget to enter my 2 current Giveaways!
* I Finally Have a Button! * ~ ends TODAY!!

    Cover Revealed! If I Die by Rachel Vincent

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     I am in Love Love Love with Rachel Vincent’s Soul Screamers‘ covers!!! GORGEOUS!! Just yesterday (April 28th) she premiered the cover for the next installment, If I Die.  Again, LOVE IT!! To top it off the series is amazing! You must read it!

    No one wants to be this teacher’s pet . . .

    Everyone else is talking about Eastlake High’s gorgeous new math teacher, Mr. Beck, but Kaylee Cavanaugh has bigger things on her mind. Kaylee’s a banshee—her scream is a portent of death.

    But the next scream might hit too close to home. Kaylee’s borrowed lifeline has almost run out.

    Yeah—it’s a shock to her, too. So to distract herself from her own problems, Kaylee is determined to defend her school against the latest supernatural threat. That hot new teacher is really an incubus, who feeds from the desire of unsuspecting students. The only girls immune to his lure are Kaylee and Sabine, her boyfriend’s delinquent ex-girlfriend. Now the unlikely allies have to get rid of Mr. Beck…before he discovers they aren’t quite human either.

    But Kaylee’s running out of time, and those who love her will do anything to save her life.


    Soul Screamers: The last thing you hear before you die.

    Cover Revealed! Twisted by Gena Showalter


    Today Gena Showalter premiered the cover of the 3rd installment in her Intertwined series: Twisted.
    I love the purple! I don’t know if I am a fan of a picture of the people, as the other covers do not show their faces – I like the mystery that it offers.  I still love the font though!! I can’t wait for this book to come out.

    Pre-Order at Amazon!


    Tortured by angry witches.
    Hypnotized by a vengeful faery.
    Spied on by the most powerful vampire in existence.
    And, oh, yeah. Killed – twice.

    His vampire girlfriend might have brought him back to life, but he’s never felt more out of control. There’s a darkness within him, something taking over . . . changing him. Worse, because he was meant to die, death now stalks him at every turn. Any day could be his last.

    Once upon a time, the three souls trapped inside his head could have helped him. He could have protected himself. But as the darkness grows stronger, the souls grow weaker – just like his girlfriend. The more vampire Aden becomes, the more human Victoria becomes, until everything they know and love is threatened.

    Life couldn’t get any worse. Could it?

    Head on over to Gena Showalter’s FanPage for more information!

    Review: The Wild One by Melinda Metz


    The Wild One (Roswell High #2) by Melinda Metz
    Publisher:  Simon Spotlight Entertainment
    Published:  December 1st 1999

    Paperback, 176 pages

    Dangerous love… 

    Isabel: From the moment she hears the roar of Nikolas’ motorcycle, she’s hooked. This new guy in town seems to understand exactly how she feels and thinks, exactly what she needs. He’s someone willing to let her be what she was born to be…the wild one. 

    Alex: He’s jealous of Isabel’s new boyfriend. Worse, he fears that Nikolas is dragging Isabel deeper and deeper into danger. If Isabel’s not careful, Sheriff Valenti will discover the truth about her. And if that happens, no one from Earth will be able to save her….

    Max, Isabel and Michael thought they were the only aliens on Earth… until a new boy shows up at school… Isabel has always been the type of girl that all the boys want and all the girls hate but secretly want to be.  Isabel has also never had any problems getting boys to come to her – she has never had to chase after a boy in any sense of the word.  That all changes the moment Nikolas shows up.  Something about him is drawing her to him.  Something about him screams trouble, but Isabel doesn’t care or can’t help but feel excited about it.  Nikolas also offers her the freedom she has always longed for – freedom from the worry of being an alien.

    “Isabel wondered if there would ever be a time when she could stop being careful. If there would ever be a time when she could use other kinds of power. She missed it. It felt like part of her had been injected with novocaine and was totally numb. Almost dead” (p.35).

     Meanwhile, Max and Michael can feel that something is wrong when they start to feel surges of power being used. While they are not exactly sure who Nikolas is, they do know he is trouble.  They also know that using their powers right now can bring Sheriff Valenti closer to them, much closer than before.  Careful is key. But Isabel’s obsession with Nikolas puts them all  in danger, not just aliens, but humans alike.  While dealing with Isabel’s rebel behavior everyone is also dealing with their own dramas… The romance dramas!

    Max and Liz are love, but not together.  For fear he will bring more trouble her way, Max has told Liz they are “just friends” many times, pushing her away, despite their obvious feelings towards each other.  I personally get frustrated by this couple – they are clearly meant to be together and I just want to scream at them sometimes that they are both so blind!  But that is what teenage love is right?! ((I feel this same way while watching the show – which I love!!))

    Then there is Alex and Isabel.  How cute are they!?! While Isabel is “obsessed” with Nikolas (there just isn’t any other word for it) Alex is not exactly obsessed with Isabel but will do anything for her, and he knows it.  While his jealousy does get the better part of him, he also knows that Nikolas is not good for her or the group. 

    Loving the tv show so much I can’t help but love this series so far.  The writing is very simplistic but at the same time, Melinda Metz does a wonderful job of presenting teenagers just as they are: confused, energetic, yet hopeful human beings – in this case they happen to deal with Alien issues all the time.  I love how each of the main characters (Max, Michael, Isabel, Liz, Maria and Max) each are given a point of view.  If you love the tv show at all you must read these books!

    My Rating:

    Harry Potter Celebration Button

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    So now that I am an “expert” (I say that laughingly) at making a button, I have made a Button for my Harry Potter Celebration in July.
    You can grab this new button to help promote!
    If you are interested in getting involved in this as well you can go to my previous post, “Calling All Harry Potter Fans!” and sign up!
    ❤ Happy Reading
    ** you can grab the code for this button on the right hand side **

    Calling All Harry Potter Fans!!


    I am calling out all my fellow Harry Potter Freaks!
    With the last film coming out in July I am hosting a month long
    Harry Potter Celebration in July.  That’s right, the ENTIRE month!
    If you’re a Harry Potter Freak like me and want to partake in this Celebration by hosting your own discussions, giveaways, posts, etc. please Fill Out the Form!
    The more the merrier! Even though one of the best series out there is ending that doesn’t mean we have to be sad… let’s CELEBRATE!
    And course I am working on an AMAZING Giveaway!
    Yup I’m wearing a “Team Potter” TShirt – and YES I wore it to the movie premiere (with broom stick earrings too)

    Author Interview with Jessi Kirby

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    I am very excited and honored to have a very PROMISING, TALENTED and AMAZING author, Jessi Kirby with us today to discuss her debut novel MOONGLASS and much more!!

    For those who are not familiar with this AMAZING debut novel, can you give us a brief synopsis?
    Moonglass is a story of confronting the past in order to move ahead.  Anna Ryan lost her mother when she was seven years old.  In the years since, she and her father have buried their feelings and questions about the subject between them and tried to move on. But when Anna’s dad takes a job transfer to the small beach community of Crystal Cove, things don’t stay buried for long. Crystal Cove is the place where her parents met and fell in love, where the locals seem to know more about her family than she does, and where she finds out that the red piece of sea glass she wears around her neck has a history all its own. 
    What was your inspiration for this novel? Was it personal?
    I’ve got so many inspirations for this novel, each of them personal in their own way.   As I wrote, the things I love wove themselves into the story: the beach and lifestyle that goes along with it, the mythology behind sea glass and mermaids, all of these are things that drew and inspired me as I went along.
    As far as literary inspirations, there are a few. The first is Kate Chopin’s The Awakening.  I read it in high school and then again in college, and both times was simultaneously intrigued and horrified by the image of Edna Pointellier just walking out into the water and leaving her family behind.  I never forgot it and always wondered about what she left in her wake.  In MOONGLASS, I got to explore that.  Anna’s mother left a daughter with a very heavy weight on her shoulders.  I’m also fascinated by mother-daughter stories, and two of my favorites are White Oleander and The Secret Life of Bees.  Both novels are stunningly gorgeous and paint the mother–daughter relationships in them so rich and full of complexity, that they’re almost mythic.         
    The main character, Anna, collects moonglass… do you?
    The word Moonglass is one Anna makes up when she’s little for the pieces of sea glass she and her mother find by the light of the moon.  While I don’t have any moonglass, I do collect sea glass!  I’m a little fanatic about, actually.  I’ve got jars and jars of it, and no matter how much I find I can’t walk past a piece on the beach without stopping to pick it up. On my last birthday though, I found my most prized piece—a smooth, teardrop-shaped red piece, just like in the book! It’s being made into a necklace as I write this, hopefully to wear on launch day!

    I love the idea of wearing a Moonglass necklace for your launch day! (I hope you will share a pic on your blog). 

    You spend a lot of time setting the scenes, detailing every aspect.  How were you able to capture the ocean, the beach, and even under the ocean scenes so perfectly?
    The ocean is a huge, lovely, important part of my life.  I grew up in the mountains but made for the beach as soon as I could and love it like it’s a part of me. In college I worked as a lifeguard and spent countless hours watching the water, and surfing, and enjoying the beach kind of life.  Now I’m lucky enough to live in a place where I can scuba dive in my front yard, run the beach every day, and write with an ocean view.  The richness of it is all around me, so those details of it came easy to me. 

    I am one of those that picks up a book that I may have never heard about largely because of its cover – I love attractive covers.  How did you come up with or choose the cover for Moonglass?
    I’d LOVE to say I came up with the cover, but I did not.  This is the case with most authors, because we’re writers, not visual artists.  My publisher graciously asked for my input and even incorporated some of my suggestions, but the cover that you see is the product of a very talented and dedicated team of designers, led by Krista Vossen.  I could not be more proud of or happy with what they did!

    I read on your blog that you’ve already sent your 2nd book out.  Can you give us some clues about it and its release date? I know I can’t wait!!
    Yes! I’m currently working through the edits on my second book.  It’s due out Summer 2012 and is a road trip story that begins in Texas and ends in California. It’s a bit drama, a bit romance, and a whole lot of adventure.

    Sounds Wonderful!! I can’t wait!

    As a debut YA author, how have you found the whole process of publishing Moonglass?
    Extremely rewarding!  From taking a chance and sending it out, to being pushed throughout the editing process to make it the best it could possibly be, to finally holding the real book in my hands, it’s been an unbelievable ride and total dream come true!

    Do you have any advice for aspiring YA authors?

    Read all you can because that’s the best possible way to study great writing, write every day because it takes practice and discipline, and find a group to share your work with, because you can’t do it all alone.

    Do you have anything else you would like to add?
    Thank you so much for having me!

    Thank you Jessi Kirby for sharing your time and talent with us!

    Waiting on Wednesday (19)


    “Waiting On” Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating.

    So Much Closer by Susane Colasanti

    When Brooke’s crush, Scott, moves from their suburban town to New York City, she decides to follow him there. Living with her formerly estranged dad and adapting to a new school are challenging, and things go from bad to worse when Brooke learns that Scott already has a girlfriend. But as she builds her new life, Brooke begins to discover a side of herself she never knew existed. And as she finds out, in the city that never sleeps, love can appear around any corner…

    Coming out May 3rd!

    I Need EVERYONE’s Help!


    I am working up some ideas for Teen Outreach in relation to Young Adult Literature and Literacy.  I am looking for as many ideas as possible.  They can be as wild and unique as possible – the more unique and wild the better!!
    Just leave a comment or two 🙂 

    Explanation: I am brewing up ideas of how to reach teens more when it comes to reading and literacy.  For example, Library Programs.  More specifically, what type of Library Programs… Say for example, A Teen Book Club… .how could you let teens know about this Book Club.  Stuff like that.

    I could really use EVERYONE’s help on this!!
    Thank you!

    Happy Reading!

    Releases This Week: April 24th-30th

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    Blood Magic by Tessa Gratton (4/24/11)
    Future Imperfect by K. Ryer Breese (4/26/11)

    Abandon by Meg Cabot (4/26/11)
    Forever Summer by Alyson Noel (4/26/11)

    Dark Descendant (Descendants #1) by Jenna Black (4/26/11)
    The Last Little Blue Envelope (Little Blue Envelope #2) by Maureen Johnson (4/26/11)

     Bumped (Bumped #1) by Megan McCafferty (4/26/11)
    Summer And the City: A Carrie Diaries Novel by Candace Bushnell (4/26/11)

    We’ll Always Have Summer (Summer #3) by Jenny Han (4/26/11)
    Back When You Were Easier to Love by Emily Wing Smith (4/28/11)

     Exile (Aurelia #2) by Anne Osterlund (4/28/11)
    Purple Daze by Sherry Shahan (4/30/11)

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